May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Pensive woman feeling worried while working on finances.

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Throughout the month, Mental Health America and other organizations focus on educating the public about mental health and reducing stigmas associated with mental illness. 

Approximately 50 million adults suffer from a mental illness according to Mental Health America’s 2023 State of Mental Health survey. According to the same survey, 55% of adults who have a mental illness haven’t received treatment.  

One of the goals of National Mental Health Awareness Month is to highlight available resources to those who are struggling with mental illness. 

During National Mental Health Awareness Month, which has been observed since 1949, organizations plan outreach activities around a central theme. This year’s theme, Where to Start: Mental Health in a Changing World, highlights how modern life affects our mental health and new resources that can help us navigate an ever-changing world.  

Past National Mental Health Awareness Month themes include More Than Enough, Pathways to Wellness, and Live Your Life Well.

If you or any loved ones are struggling with mental health issues, we encourage you to seek help. You’re not alone. Call or text 988 or chat for immediate help. Or visit the resources below for more options: