ACH Routing Number
TwinStar’s routing number is 325181015
It's also printed along the bottom of your checks.
How to format your account number
In order for an electronic transaction (ACH) or Direct Deposit to post to your account correctly you must provide your full account number, which includes your member number, share ID and check digit. Your member number, typically six digits, is only the first part. If you only use your member number, your direct deposit may be delayed or rejected.
Finding your account number in online banking
- Log in to online banking.
- Starting at the initial home screen, select the account you would like your direct deposit to go to. It may be a checking or savings.
- The transactions page loads for that account.
- On the right, the account name displays.
- Click Account Details.
- The full 9 digit Deposit/Payment # and Routing number are displayed. Use Deposit/Payment # for your direct deposit account number.
Finding your account number in mobile banking
- Log in to mobile banking.
- From the Feed locate your Accounts.
- Click on the blue arrow to the right to View All Accounts.
- All accounts are displayed. Click on the desired account.
- Click on Account Details.
- The full 9 digit Deposit/Payment # and Routing number are displayed. Use Deposit/Payment # for your direct deposit account number.
Finding your full checking account number on the bottom of your TwinStar check
There are three sets of numbers across the bottom of your TwinStar check. The first set of numbers is TwinStar’s routing number (325181015), the second set of numbers is your full checking account number, and the third set of numbers will match the check number that is located in the top right hand corner of your check. When setting up your ACH or direct deposit you will need:
- TwinStar’s routing number (325181015). The first set of numbers on the bottom of the check.
- Your full checking account number. The second set of numbers on the bottom of the check.

One of the most common questions we hear is “What is TwinStar’s routing number?”
TwinStar members look for the routing number -- also called an ABA number -- to set up an automatic payment using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.
ACH transactions are commonly used for direct deposits or for automatic payments from your account. ACH credits come from employers and government agencies. ACH payments go to insurance companies, utilities, telephone companies, and more.
Who, or what, is behind this efficient, reliable and secure method of payment exchange?
It’s a not for profit organization called the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA). They oversee the ACH network, which is one of the largest payment systems in the world.
Try it for yourself -- it’s easy!
If you would like to set up a direct deposit of your paycheck, ask your employer if they can set up an ACH transfer. They may already have a form available.
If you receive Social Security or Unemployment you can sign up for direct deposit on their websites. You can also get tax refunds with ACH; just include your account number and routing number on your 1040!
If you have a recurring payment with a fixed amount, you can establish an ACH transfer from your account. The recipient of your payment can tell you how to set up an ACH transfer with their company.
You also have access to TwinStar’s free Bill Payer service to set up payments. With Bill Payer, you are in control over when and how much money is sent to your various vendors.