Beware of scam text messages and phone calls pretending to be from the TwinStar Fraud dept. Don't click on links or share sensitive information. Contact us at 800.258.3115 to verify a text or phone call, or if your account is compromised.
Learn about check fraud, its rising prevalence, and discover practical tips for check fraud prevention, protection, and detection to keep your finances secure.
Wire scams are on the rise, especially in the investment and real estate industries. Learn five questions you can ask to determine if a wire request is a scam or not.
Spoofing attacks, during which scammers impersonate legitimate people or organizations, continue to increase. Learn how to prevent them from getting your info.
Data breaches are unfortunately becoming the norm. Here are five steps to take if your account or personal information is compromised in a data breach.
As the popularity of digital banking increases, so does the prevalence of mobile deposit scams. Learn how mobile deposit scams work and how to protect yourself from them.
Phone scams involving financial institutions are on the rise. Protect yourself from scammers by learning what information TwinStar employees will never ask you during phone calls.
Add another layer of protection to your online accounts with multifactor authentication (MFA). Learn why MFA is recommended these days when it comes to thwarting hackers.
Phishing attacks continue to pose a significant threat to individuals and organizations. Be careful when sharing sensitive information, and don't take the bait when it comes to phishing attacks.
Gift cards are extremely popular during the holidays. However, scammers love gift cards too. Learn more about how gift card scams work and what to look out for.
Learn about check fraud, its rising prevalence, and discover practical tips for check fraud prevention, protection, and detection to keep your finances secure.