Tablet with temporary logo displayed
Operational Day 1, also known as OD1, is the day that NWCU and TwinStar merge systems. After a great deal of planning and testing, our core systems will merge into one and with that conversion, there may be changes that impact you, our member.
Photo of Board Chairman Thomas Pettus -Czar.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jeff Kennedy has identified his path toward retirement, to occur sometime in early 2025. We are grateful for Jeff’s almost 40 years of service and his dedication to serving our employees, members, and communities, culminating in our successful merger that has made us even stronger.
Software developers going over notes on a whiteboard.
Your feedback helped us identify issues, and we made those a priority. We are continuing to make improvements based on your comments and experiences.
Smiling man outside wearing sunglasses
Your credit score may seem like a personal judgment on your character, but the factors that go into it are actually determined by research and analysis of data about how people use credit.
Woman looking nervous and concerned
The situation is becoming all too common: you receive a call while out shopping or perhaps during dinner. Perhaps you don’t recognize the number, but the person on the line identifies themselves as an employee of your financial institution. They speak urgently—there’s a problem with your account.
